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Announcement 📣 Career Care Hub will Join on the 1st & 2nd of March at Egypt Career Summit Students can use our promo code to get around 40% discount on price ticket -Promo-code :CareerCareHub-S -Payment Link : -Ticket price : 200 EGP instead of 300 EGP Graduates can use our promo code to get pur discount too -Promo-code : CareerCareHub-G -Payment link : -Ticket price : 200 EGP instead of 400 EGP 🚩There’ll be also discount on our wellness community membership & free consultation Don’t miss the opportunity& join us their

👤 Amira Hussein

🕒 02/20/2024 01:43:00


Empathy vs Sympathy

Empathy has been discussed by several prominent leaders and authors during the past few years. However, we still fail to understand the difference between Empathy and Sympathy. I still find people using both words interchanging and that has led to confusion among individuals in this fast-paced technology age we live in Empathy: is the ability to emotionally understand what other people feel, see things from their point of view, and imagine yourself in their place. Sympathy: is a feeling of sincere concern for someone who is experiencing something difficult or painful Brene Brown explained the difference so beautifully when she said that Empathy fuels connection, while sympathy drives disconnection There are four qualities of Empathy that are extremely important: 1. Perspective taking: The ability to take the perspective of another person. 2. Staying out of judgment: 3. Recognizing emotions in other people 4. Communicating It is quite interesting to know that there are types of empathy. In other words, empathy is not one type or one shoe that fits all There are 3 types of empathy: 1. Affective Empathy: the ability to respond to other people’s emotions appropriately. 2. Somatic Empathy: the ability to feel what another person is feeling. 3. Cognitive Empathy: the ability to understand someone’s response to a situation However, what I find interesting is that most successful companies, who have friendly and open culture are more empathetic than those who have toxic cultures. The reason for this is that Empathy impacts the workplace with the following benefits 1. Improve communication 2. Strengthen work relationships 3. Boosts creative thinking 4. Improve companies’ revenue growth. 5. Increase employee morale. 6. Impacts job interviews. Then the question to finally asks ourselves how can companies encourage empathy 1. Talk about Empathy 2. Teach Mindful listening skills 3. Encourage genuine perspective taking 4. Cultivate compassion 5. Increase Employee morale

👤 Mohannad El-Khouly

🕒 09/01/2023 09:00:00


Good nutrition enhances our cognitive behavior

We are unaware of the benefits of proper eating on our health and cognitive function. Recently, the Dan Buettner-narrated film "Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones". Residents in the Blue Zones live longer and healthier lives than those in other areas. He explained that one of the many ingredients to longevity is eating healthy, and using the 80/20 rule. According to this guideline, you should eat until 80% of your stomach is full. How does what we eat impact our work day? On hectic workdays, unhealthy lunch options may appear more appealing due to their lower cost and faster preparation time. They feel efficient. Which is where our lunchtime decisions lead us astray. We save 10 minutes now and pay for it with weaker performance for the rest of the day. Then what should we do? Well, one option is to make sure you have several meals a day and not one big one. This improves your metabolism and in turn, improves your concentration and increases productivity. In other words, always when at work order healthy food or bring healthy food from home. If you want to eat something throughout the workplace, it is advised to choose nutritious snacks to boost your cognitive behavior. The next section talks about snacks like apples, pears, and even nuts. Furthermore, research has shown that eating vegetables and fruits throughout the day is good for the body & beneficial for the mind. One might ask me what healthy foods should I choose. Well according to research best brain foods are the same ones that protect you from heart diseases and blood vessels. In this article, I will share some amazing food that are neglected from eating either due to bad eating habits. 1. Green leafy vegetables: leafy greens such as kale, spinach and broccoli are rich in brain nutrients 2. Fatty fish: Having an abundant source of omega-3 healthy unsaturated fats which improves your health. 3. Berries: Research has found that berries improve memory. 4. Tea & Coffee: Research has found that the consumption of caffeine improves your mental function and this was shown in some tests. Yes, having a morning cup of coffee is very important to function on a high level. 5. Walnuts: Yes, nuts are amazing food that improves your thinking and mental functions, this was shown in the test results of students

👤 Mohannad El-Khouly

🕒 09/01/2023 09:00:00


Myths of Work Life Balance

In today's hectic world, professionals everywhere are attempting to strike a balance between their personal and professional lives to live a more fruitful life and be able to distribute their time on both work and their family, which is limited for everyone. Employers everywhere want their staff to strike a healthy balance between work and life. Yet, despite what businesses may claim, their management actually has their own agenda which forces employees to put in greater hours for very little pay in addition to an adverse effect on their health. This has increased stress and anxiety levels among employees, in addition, employee morale is at its lowest point. In reality, there is no such thing as work-life balance; instead, most businesses use it as a marketing gimmick to draw in talent. The Indian guru Sadguru said “There is no such thing as a work-life balance. It is all life. The balance has to be within you.” I'll debunk six myths that people think may help them find this elusive equilibrium in this article. 1. Hours Worked = Productivity: One of the biggest myths about work-life balance is this one. Working long hours, such as between ten and twelve hours per day, is believed to boost productivity. I am afraid to tell you that this is total rubbish. The reason is that a person cannot be efficient and productive for that long period of time. The truth is that 80% of our work is very nonproductive. 2. Compartmentalize Life: People think that splitting their time will enable them to achieve balance, but it never works like way. You cannot compartmentalize your life you need to focus on your immediate challenges. 3. Time management is the key: The idea of time management has serious flaws. The concept was created before we were all connected, which explains why. Concentrate all your energy and focus on the crucial task and do so throughout the day. 4. Technology is a savior: There is no denying that technology has made our lives easier with the rise of AI and chatbots, but we cannot expect it to handle everything. Still, we need to do some work. 5. Schedule Everything: True scheduling helps to organize our day. Yet, you cannot schedule everything as this is impractical. According to a study it’s seen people are happier when they do spontaneous actions. 6. Less work means more happiness: because you can finish your work during the day this does not mean that you are happy. The truth is it never matters how many hours you work. Quality and quantity in your work will matter. When you are passionate about something the hours you put in does not matter My final note here is that work as hard as you can and give enough time in the day for the following: 1. Family time 2. Exercise Time 3. Seeing your friends 4. Developing yourself

👤 Mohannad El-Khouly

🕒 09/28/2023 21:00:00


Power of Collaboration

We live in a fast-moving world, where all the information that we ever need is at our fingertips. We can do our jobs more with the help of the internet and the invention of social media. That's fine for a while, but we need help, and that doesn't make you any less capable or intelligent. This is how we gain more knowledge through other’s expertise and skills. This is what I would term collaboration. I am a firm believer in the power of collaboration. I never hesitate our turn down an opportunity to collaborate. Simple strong collaboration could improve my brand and my purpose. Then why is collaboration so important these days? Well, there are several reasons are so essential: 1. Create better Impression: Making the appropriate impression, even while doing so online, is crucial. Networking is crucial, as is making a good first impression by telling the other person how grateful and impressed you are that you can collaborate with them. 2. Forge Stronger bonds: A good work relationship can last long even if it is online. To raise awareness about mental health, I have developed a variety of ties with people all around the world. 3. Build Diverse Connections: I've discovered that I need to cast a wide net if I want to succeed as a global speaker and coach. In other words, you need to make an effort to create diverse connections. You need to value people for who they are not what they bring to your business. 4. Positive relationships inspire trust: Finally, today's leaders must focus on developing trust and cultivating a collaborative environment.

👤 Mohannad El-Khouly

🕒 09/01/2023 22:00:00


Emotional intelligence the secret of health improvement

The metrics for measuring someone’s intelligence have changed over the past 30 years. Before 1990, one's IQ was generally gauged by one's intelligence quotient (I.Q.). People with high IQs were viewed as being more intelligent than those with average or lower scores. Due to the message that individuals with higher IQ scores received more attention, discrimination among children arose . While those who scored average placed in average or low IQ classes. This was later disapproved by many researchers and psychologists. In her book Mindset, author and psychologist Dr. Carol Dweck refuted the notion that brilliance is a trait that only a select few people in society have. In her book, Dr. Dweck outlined the differences between the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. People who believe they have a fixed or limited level of intelligence lack the will to develop new skills or ideas. Fearing that they may fail and feel embarrassed among their colleagues. While the growth mindset welcomes new challenges and is not afraid to fail and learn from their mistakes. Growth mindset individuals believe that their intelligence is not limited and they can learn new skills or shed on new ideas. In her book Grit, Angelia Duckworth asserts that those with greater grit are more prepared to take chances, fail, and learn from their mistakes to overcome their obstacles The literature is wonderful and all this is fascinating, but people are not robots or numbers. Understanding how is crucial since human beings are social animals with strong emotions. It also offers a new approach to assessing IQ, called "Emotional Intelligence." Daniel Goleman wrote a book titled "Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ". The book came out in 1995. Daniel Goleman defined emotional intelligence as the capacity to exercise self-discipline, control your emotions, empathize with others, and inspire oneself to keep going despite obstacles this known as emotional intelligence Research suggests that IQ accounts for only 20% of our success in life. The remaining 80% comes from non-IQ factors, such as luck, social class, and emotional intelligence. Dr. Goleman said that emotional intelligence consists of five major components.: 1. Self-awareness: which involves understanding & having knowledge of one’s internal state 2. Self-Regulation: which concerns managing one’s impulses & internal state 3. Motivation: This can be characterized as the ability of emotions to guide a person towards their objectives. 4. Empathy: which is an individual’s ability to put themselves in someone else’s shoes to be both aware of & understand how they’re feeling. 5. Social Skills: which relate to the ability to have positive interactions & good communication with others Emotional intelligence can play an important role in our physical health. According to a Pennebaker study, students who wrote in their journals about their emotional problems visited the hospital less than those who did not reveal any emotional distress. Pennebaker also discovered that the immune system was strengthened when people shared emotional traumas or experiences. Additionally, it was discovered that people with high emotional intelligence performed well on their tests and had better mental and physical health. Additionally, those who had higher emotional intelligence were better able to handle pressure and practiced greater self-care. Finally, as we approach Mental Health Day it is important to highlight that emotional intelligence lowers stress levels and improves mental health. Research has found out that emotional intelligence helps to control negative emotions such as anxiety and anger and replace them with positive ones. Some reaches suggests that children who have high emotional intelligence are much happier and achieve well academically. To sum up, having strong emotional intelligence enables people to control unpleasant feelings like tension and anxiety and replace them with positive ones. Compared to others with low emotional intelligence, these people are more successful, happier, and healthier. Therefore, I encourage every employee, manager, or executive to encourage people to better understand emotional intelligence either through: 1. Workshops 2. Coaching sessions 3. Inviting employee to open discussions to talk frankly about their emotions.

👤 Mohannad El-Khouly

🕒 09/01/2023 14:35:00


Mental health at the workplace

Mental health awareness has increased within the workplace after the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, businesses in Egypt and around the world have made no significant efforts to put in place mental health policies that can help employees, raise employee morale, and foster a more healthy and welcoming work environment. Supporting mental health in the workplace is no longer nice to have but a necessity. Companies should work to create wellness programs for their employees that will help them thrive and become more productive. Since the majority of people do not comprehend the significance or definition of the phrase, let's first attempt to define what we mean by the word "mental health." Mental health: This is the state of well-being, in which a person may function, work, and realize their full potential. They can also deal with common stresses. When we talk about the improvement of health we talk about both physical and mental health besides the social well-being of the person. To be clear when we discuss mental health, we are not talking about mental illness. You can have poor mental health without having any illness and you can have good mental health with a mental illness. Mental health and human performance go hand in hand and should not be treated as two separate pursuits. They should be treated as one thing, and this is what makes humans flourish and thrive. In today’s hectic and fast-moving world businesses should be a top priority if you want to hire performance employees. To summarize the main ideas discussed here are: • Mental health is more than the absence of mental illness • You cannot have physical health without having mental health • Mental health aids in coping with stress. • Human performance and mental health go hand in hand • Workplace wellness must be a top priority. Positive mental health is essential since it increases people's capacity to overcome challenges. Additionally, it's crucial to remember that teams may remain adaptable when roles and responsibilities change if team members are in excellent mental health at work. Thus, having a positive mental health will boost your resilience Finally, it is important to discuss the risk factors for not placing mental health as a top priority within the workplace. 1. Inadequate health and safety policies: Workplaces with poor health and safety policies may decrease employee mental health, lose staff, and risk prosecution. 2. Poor communication & management policies: Poor communication and practices create strain on the relationship which creates poor mental health and increased workplace stress. 3. Low levels of support for employees: Workers may feel overwhelmed and demotivated in a toxic workplace when management refuses to remove obstacles for its employees. 4. Performance pressure: Employees are under a lot of stress and pressure to perform at their highest level, which has a negative impact on their mental health. 5. Job Security: Job loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic has become a major stressor for employees in 2020. The individual's mental health has decreased due to the worry of not being able to care for their family. To conclude mental health is not a luxury for businesses before or even after the pandemic. Regardless of the location of the company or the sector it serves, all businesses should have mental health policies and solutions.

👤 Mohannad El-Khouly

🕒 09/01/2023 21:00:00


Meditation and career advancement

Due to the current status of the economy, understaffing in the workplace, and a lack of qualified personnel, the majority of Egyptian professionals are stressed out or on the edge of burnout. The pandemic that we faced has not pushed companies in Egypt to implement a more aggressive policy toward the well-being of their employees. The result is that every employee needs to include meditation in their daily life. In this article, I will discuss the importance of meditation in our careers We need to incorporate daily meditation practices because they provide emotional, mental, and stress-relieving advantages for us during a hectic work day Furthermore, there are several different types of meditation. I have tried several of them. Here four types of meditation you can try out: 1. Meditation for mindfulness: Mindfulness is all about being present with your thoughts while breathing. 2. Guided Meditation: You are usually led by a mediation expert 3. Chakra meditation: This style of meditation focuses on lighting incense to assist in focusing on your chakra, which is where your body's energy centers are located. 4. Yoga: Yoga is one of the most popular forms of meditation and it involves both poses and breath work to put you in a state of calmness When it comes to career advancement, meditation can be a game-changer. It assists people in avoiding unneeded stress and anxiety in the workplace by offering a forum for resolving arguments and disagreements. Teamwork and collaboration can flourish with enhanced communication and strengthened connections, making those with meditation and conflict resolution abilities valued and sought after. People who have these talents are likely to have better prospects for professional development and progress. Meditation can be very beneficial for you at work. Meditation helps you reduce stress and burnout and enhances your productivity and performance. Furthermore, meditation can sharpen your cognitive skills such as it improves concentration, memory retention, and learning. Here are several ways meditation can help you boost your career advancement: 1. You will be able to show warmth and compassion to others: Research has found that top leaders practice compassion to their employees and this can be done through meditation. 2. You will be able to handle stress in a better manner at your workplace: When you meditate daily you will be able through mindfulness that pulls you back in the moment to help you deal with the situation 3. Detect and remove patterns: Meditation can help identify the unproductive patterns in your and help you not go ahead with these unwanted patterns. 4. Relax your brain: The war in your brain can only be appeased through meditation and this helps to improve your prefrontal cortex to drive even when you feel stressed 5. Clarify your thinking: The primary cause of the decline in mental stability is stress at work. You do more when you practice mindful meditation, and the major reason for this is that you become more aware of your surroundings. Greater emotional intelligence is a result of meditation's ability to clear your mind of clutter and enhance your ability to actively listen to others, both of which improve interpersonal communication. 6. You will get greater emotional intelligence: Meditation helps you to remove the clutter in your brain and improves your active listening skills which helps improve your communication between people. 7. You will improve your execution skills: Finally, no matter how intelligent or brilliant you are, you cannot advance in your profession without planning, organizing, and managing it. They are referred to as executive talents. These abilities can be enhanced through meditation.

👤 Mohannad El-Khouly

🕒 09/01/2023 15:00:00


Importance of Reading on Your Health

The first novel in history, "The Tale of Genji," was written in the 11th century by a Japanese woman by the name of Murasaki Shikibu. Thousand years later, people are still hooked on reading, and not on electronic devices but rather the traditional manner. Why then is reading so important for our health? What are the advantages of reading any sort of literature on your physical and mental health are covered in this article? Reading has long-term positive effects on one's mental and physical health. Reading begins in the early years of school. Yes, I used to dislike the novels at school because they were very dry and with no action. Yet, as I grew older, I came to realize the benefits of reading. 1. Reading strengthens your brain: and changes your mind. According to research, reading activates the brain's intricate network of connections and impulses, which may be observed in MRI scans. In other words, as you get better at reading, those networks get stronger and more advanced. Brain scans also showed that there was an improvement in brain connectivity throughout the reading period and for several days afterward, in the somatosensory cortex, the section of the brain in charge of processing physical sensations. 2. Increases your ability to empathize: Studies show that readers who dive into the inner lives of the characters in literary fiction are better equipped to understand the ideas and perspectives of others. These skills—collectively referred to as the "theory of mind" by academics—are essential for establishing, resolving, and sustaining interpersonal interactions. 3. Builds your vocabulary: The research given here suggests that avid readers acquire a more broad, complex vocabulary. Vocabulary size and complexity impact your life in both academic and work areas. In 2019 a poll conducted by Cengage showed that around 69% of employers. 4. Help age-related cognitive decline: It is recommended that reading books or magazines keeps your mind sharp and engaged as you grow older. Even though it has not been proven that reading prevents Alzheimer’s, seniors who read and perform math problems maintain and improve their cognitive functioning. 5. Reduces Stress: 30 minutes of reading daily has been proven to lower blood pressure, heart rate, and feelings of stress as well as yoga and humor. 6. Regulates your sleep: Reading book printed books gives the best results to regulate your sleep. It is also recommended by doctors to read somewhere away from your bedroom if you have problems sleeping. 7. Helps reduce depression: If you are experiencing depressive symptoms, reading fiction can give you a little escape from reality, and reading nonfiction self-help books can give you the tools and tactics you need to get over these symptoms. 8. May help you live longer: According to studies, adults who regularly read books live about 2 years longer than those who don't Finally, it is interesting to note that reading is not a hobby for people, but a medicine that can help you live longer, engage your mind and sleep better than those who do not read.

👤 Mohannad El-Khouly

🕒 09/01/2023 21:00:00


Mastering Resilience

Resilience has been a good-to-know word used by most of us these days. However, when I hear or read the word in different articles. I started to notice an important pattern that started to build up. People do not really know what it means, plus I believe people who have a growth mindset are much more resilient. Then what is it to be resilient? Resilience is the ability of an individual to adapt to hardships and setbacks they face in life. How do you know if you are resilient or not? To answer this question let me tell a story about myself and how I was able to master resilience. My journey to become resilient started in April 2020, I have just been laid off from a job that I started in March 2020. Here is the point where I started to change my attitude towards life and all the setbacks I started to face. Through the years from 2020 till today, I was able to bounce back from every failure with a more positive attitude and the acceptance that my journey is still far from over and achieving my life purpose is still waiting for me on the horizon. That is how to become resilient and difficult times. Here are some tips to master resilience: 1. Get connected 2. Find meaning 3. Laugh 4. Learn from Experience 5. Remain hopeful 6. Keep Journal 7. Accept change 8. Work towards a goal 9. Maintain perspective 10. Be patient

👤 Mohannad El-Khouly

🕒 09/01/2023 21:00:00


Why you should exercise every day

This is question has been asked by many people I meet these days. However, answering the question might be very simple, but taking action is sometimes heavy on us as human beings. However, exercising every day is vital for our longevity and the impact it has on our stress and anxiety levels. Exercising every day is important but when is the best time to exercise during the day? Well, most successful people exercise early in the morning at 5 am, for many reasons. 1. Increase metabolism 2. Increase dopamine & serotine levels 3. Wash out cortisol The problem of exercising for most people, is that they cannot commit to it because they failed to integrate it into their routine. Exercising every day should not be attempted if you are just wanting to lose weight. Why? Well because once you reached to your optimum weight, the motivation here disappears and you start to become lazy and do not work out. This is why I want to share with you 14 reasons why exercising every day is important: 1. Exercise provides a natural high.: When you exercise, feel-good chemicals called endorphins are released in your body. These endorphins spark a positive, euphoric feeling and gives a natural high. 2. You'll have better sex if you work out: Resistance training also helps boost testosterone and this important hormone (present in both males and females) increases your energy levels, mood, and sex drive. 3. Physical activity reduces PMS symptoms: moving will help with your crappy mood, aches, and pains, and even depression associated with PMS. 4. Exercise improves cognitive function and memory: Even moderate walking helps boost cognitive functions like reasoning, memory, attention span, and the expansion of information and knowledge 5. Exercise is a natural antidepressant: Just going for a moderate walk for 30 minutes will help you when you feel depressed. 6. Being fit will boost your confidence: When you exercise you feel better, you look better, you get stronger, you feel a sense of accomplishment, and that rush of endorphins has a ripple effect on everything you do. 7. Exercising regularly will make you feel more energetic: start moving, and you’ll immediately begin to feel that energy bump and get through the day with less fatigue. 8. An exercise regimen will help you sleep better: You'll sleep better when you’ve had a good workout, and physical activity helps keep your circadian rhythm on track. 9. Exercise relieves stress: Exercising is one of the fastest ways to clear stress hormones out of your system. 10. It will help you tap into your creativity: Studies show that creative thinking improves while a person is walking, either indoors or outdoors. 11. Your heart will thank you: exercise helps dramatically reduce heart-related diseases, strengthens your heart muscle, and can help decrease the risk of having a heart attack. 12. You’ll look and feel younger: When we exercise, we infuse our bodies with better health, boost energy levels, feel better, and look better. 13. Strengthens muscles and bones: With proper nutrition and regular exercise, specifically resistance training (lifting weights and/or body resistance training several days a week), we can slow and even reverse this process. 14. You’ll feel happier: Exercise makes you feel happier. Exercising everyday should become a habit like brushing your teeth, driving your car. Do not procrastinate or be lazy go and move

👤 Mohannad El-Khouly

🕒 09/01/2023 23:00:00